The Sandusky County Sanitary Engineers operate and maintain three (3) Sewer Districts in the County, which include over 50 miles of sanitary sewers and 2 miles of water mains. We currently operate over 3,500 service connections for sanitary sewer and water. The sewage collection system contains multiple lift stations and package treatment plants. The water distribution system contains a water treatment plant that utilizes two wells.
The Sanitary Engineers typically treats and pumps over 5,000,000 gallons of water; collects and transports over 450,000,000 gallons of wastewater; and treats 10,000,000 gallons of wastewater annually. The County utilizes the Date Acquisition part of the System Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) for monitoring all of our facilities. Treatment facilities are certified as Class A and Class I facilities. Technical Supervision for up to a Class II wastewater facility and Class I water facility can be performed within Sandusky County via an agreement with the owner of that facility.
For Shorewood Water System Customers, the most recent Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and the Ohio EPA Backflow Prevention and Cross Connection Control is located below.