Duties & Responsibilities

In 1975, the Sandusky County Sanitary Engineers was created by the Board of County Commissioners to assist the Board in performing its duties pursuant to Chapter 6103 (County Water Supply Systems) and Chapter 6117 (County Sewerage Systems) of the Ohio Revised Code, plus other duties and services in relation to sanitation and environmental concerns.

The Sanitary Engineers is governed by Federal and State regulations promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

In the area of Water Supply, the Sanitary Engineers presently operate and maintain a treatment facility, which serves Shorewood subdivision. It also provides technical supervision to other water supply systems located in Sandusky County.

In the area of Wastewater Treatment, the Sanitary Engineers presently operate and maintain three (3) small treatment and collection systems, the collection systems serving the area around the City of Fremont, the Sandusky Township Regional Sewer District, and provide technical supervision to wastewater systems located in Sandusky County.

In 2015, the County Commissioners hired Poggemeyer Design Group of Bowling Green, Ohio to update the 1997 Comprehensive Water and Sanitary Sewer General Plan which was originally completed by ms consultants, inc. of Columbus, Ohio. Below are links to the entire 2015 General Plan.

Table of Contents


Demographics and Land Use

Population Forecast and Projected Water Demand

On-site Private Sewage Treatment Systems

Existing Sewer Collection and Treatment Facilities

208 Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (Sandusky County)

Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems

Sanitary Sewer Cost Estimates

Wastewater Treatment Requirements

Water Distribution

Water Distribution Cost Estimates

Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Regulations

Disinfectant / Disinfection Byproduct Rule

Water Supply and Treatment

Water and Service Needs Assessment

Ballville Township

Green Creek Township

Jackson Township

Madison Township

Rice Township

Riley Township

Sandusky Township

Scott Township

Townsend Township

Washington Township

Woodville Township

York Township

